August 2016, Smartmat investment
Smartmat, the pioneer in providing healthy and inspirational home-delivery dinnerboxes with a focus on local and biological ingredients, prepares for the next step in its growth trajectory with the entry of Korys.
The investment follows fruitful discussions that demonstrated a clear match between the parties with regards to serving the conscious consumer and developing Smartmat as an independent Belgian company. Since its founding in 2012, Smartmat has achieved substantial and profitable growth through its specific positioning in a highly competitive market. The differentiating product offering of Smartmat focusing on the authentic customer experience will continue to be the cornerstone of the company’s strategy going forward.
About Smartmat
What are we going to eat tonight? Smartmat provides the answer with various dinner box concepts with a “cook different, live better”-philosophy. Smartmat uses as much local and biologicals products as possible without unnecessary additives. Smartmat was the first Belgian company to start with the dinner box concept, which originated in Sweden.